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Friday, February 19, 2021

Chapatti Machines for Large Scale Production

 One of the most popular staple food items of India is chapatti. Almost every household prepares them on a regular basis. During the time of our grandmother, chapattis were made in huge numbers at home to feed the large families. Women used to make them in hundreds and thousands at weddings and many other places where food is produced in large quantity. As times have changed and man power is reducing, food industry has to look for alternative means to produce chapatti or rotis in large quantities. Automatic chapatti machines present themselves as an answer to the requirement.

What are Automatic Chapatti Machines?

These are electrically run automatic machines which produce large number of chapattis in quick time. This is a huge stainless steel machine used for mass production of chapattis. It comprises of 2 parts- one part makes dough balls of equal size and the other part presses the balls into chapattis and bakes them. On an average about 1000 chapattis are produced per hour.

Kinds of Chapatti Machines:

The major kinds of chapatti machines are semi-automatic and fully automatic. Both these machines produce similar number of chapattis in similar manner. The semi-automatic chapatti machine makes the dough balls in one section and the pressing and baking is done in another section of the machine. It requires an operator to over look the whole process. The Automatic chapatti machine does the whole process in one go without any human help. Effortlessly about 1000 chapattis are staked out within an hour.

Tiny rotis or pooris are also prepared in similar way. You will find machines specifically doing this job as well. A raw poori making machine will produce about 10,000 pooris per hour which are then to be deep fried in oil. As a poori is smaller to chapatti, the number of unit produced in an hour increases drastically.

The latest model of chapatti making machine is the fully automatic one. It is more efficient, energy saving and more sophisticated compared to the earlier models. It has built in oven, hopper, rollers, and belts to move the chapattis and is completely made of stainless steel. This machine produces about 2000 chapattis per hour.

Advantages of the Chapatti Making Machine:

The first advantage is that it is completely hygienic compared to traditional methods of making chapatti. No human touch is required as almost all the work is done by the machine. The only person found around the machine is the operator who just over looks the production process and monitors the machine's readings.

Second is that chapattis are of equal size and evenly baked. The machine rolls out same sized chapattis both in diameter and thickness. The temperature of the machine is set in such a way that every chapatti is properly baked on both sides.

The biggest advantage of an automatic chapatti machine is that it produces large number of chapattis in quick time compared to human production. It is perfectly suitable to be used in hotels, mess, weddings, hospitals, large schools, hostels and industrial areas. It is a cost effective way of producing large number of chapattis without compromising on quality.

For more information about c please visit chapati making machines and roti machine.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Advanced Level SEO Techniques to Better Rank Your Business

SEO techniques change rapidly. And they often change without you even realizing it. Techniques that had helped you get on the front page in 2019 or even 2020 are useless now and may even be hurting your website’s ranking. Hence you need to be at the top of your game when it comes to SEO, otherwise, you may fall behind while your competitors march right past you.  

People use Google to perform over 3.5 billion searches in a day. 78% of the people look for a product or service online for ratings before they take the plunge to buy it. If your website ranks on the first page of Google’s search results, it increases your visibility. This leads to increased traffic and conversions revenue. 75% of the users do not look past the first page.
It goes without saying that in order to improve visibility, your website needs to be present on the front page. So, what can you do to increase the traffic on your website? 

SEO experts take certain measures and adopt techniques that increase visibility and lands more viewers on your websites. Higher rankings equal more organic traffic, and it boosts the overall ROI. 
Here are nine of the most effective and advanced techniques employed by SEO experts to increase site rankings and visibility:

1. Offer A Good User Experience on Your Website
Google wants to show the best results for any user’s query. And if users leave a website very quickly without exploring it, Google will keep such websites out of the way as it does not want to display low-quality results to its users. 
So, you want to improve the outlook and interface of your website first. It needs to look like a high-quality website with the right content where the user is not left guessing the reliability of the information provided on it. 
People do not want to land on a shady site that takes forever to load and has errors and broken links. Issues like these lead to a high bounce rate and Google rewards sites that have a very low bounce rate along with higher page ranking. 
It reasons that a user would only spend time on a page that they find useful. Even if it’s a page that they weren’t looking for, if the website layout is decent, users will go through the site to see if there’s anything on it that could be useful for later.  

2. Here is how you can reduce the bounce rate of your website:
Easy to read posts: A lot of websites format their content for the web. It means the usage of shorter paragraphs, mixed sentence length, subheadings for posts, bullet points, and the use of images and white space. 
It goes without saying that the most important thing in addition to the previous list is ’Quality Content’. If the content is not of good quality, no number of images or fonts or anything can make it readable. The content needs to be related to the website and provide the reader with easy to understand language. The content also needs to be in accordance with the user’s reading level. 
Bucket Brigades: It is a copywriting technique that captures a reader’s interest and keeps them reading until the end of your page. It essentially is the breaking down of ideas into multiple sentences with the use of trigger words and ending sentences with colons in order to pique interest. 
Some trigger phrases that can be used are: The answer is:, Here’s the deal:, You may be wondering:

Inverted Pyramid Style: Journalists are taught the pyramid style of writing during their courses. According to this method, the most important information goes on top, i.e. - the ‘who, what, why, when, where, and how’ of a piece of information. That is followed by the slightly lesser details about the article and is ended by background or general information. Readers tend to scan the start of the article and rarely make it to the end of the page. 

3. Topic Clusters in Place of Keywords
Google’s algorithm is constantly evolving and learning from its environment. It is now trying to understand the intention of the users, what they expect, and what they’re looking for, and more specifically, what kind of search results would answer their queries. This is where the ‘snippet box’ becomes useful’. 
Websites do not end up on the first page of Google’s search results by simply having keyword-focused content. There needs to be context surrounding the keywords. Content needs to be built keeping in mind the ‘user intent’. There are 2 things to consider:
Target Audience: The type of content you create is entirely dependent on your audience. You need to know your audience in order to know the kind of content they would enjoy or be interested in. 
Organizing Content into Clusters: Words can be organized in clusters instead of focusing on stand-alone words. It helps reach the audience better as users tend to search for content using detailed phrases instead of singular words. 

4. Longer Content = Higher Ranking
A study by Backlinko suggests that longer content has a higher likelihood of being ranked at the top. It is impossible for every blog to have more than 2000 words on every post. It is a time-consuming process. 
While it may be necessary in some cases, users may not always be looking for lengthy blog posts. For example, if someone searches for the phrase ‘baking a cake’, it would mean that they’re looking for simple instructions on how to bake a cake. 
But if the query is something like ‘baking a cake: do’s and don’ts’, they may be looking for a more detailed content that explains the entire process and highlights what to do and what to avoid. There is no sure way to know the length of the content required. Just make sure that your content offers comprehensive answers to what users are searching for.

5. Variety of Backlinks
Backlinks are very important in SEO. Google reports that links are the number one factor when it comes to deciding the search rank because for them, “ranking without links is really, really hard.” It doesn’t mean that any link is a good link. Low-quality links do not work anymore and can harm your site in return. Links earned through outreach, influencer marketing, and high-quality content is effective and safe for your website. 

6. Update Older Content
If your website has been in use for more than six months, you need to update all the data available on your website and keep it fresh and trending. Previous posts can be updated and leveraged for higher search rankings. Your top-ranking content can be identified and modified to keep it trending and fresh. Get into Details When Relevant
By 2021, 50 percent of all searches are going to be conducted by voice. Even now, a lot of people use voice-assisted programs to help them navigate the web. Voice searchers differ from those who type in their queries and this factor needs to be taken into account when optimizing SEO for any particular site. For example, a texter might type in ‘dog diet’ but a voice searcher might search for the phrase ‘what do dogs eat?’

7. Target Local Searchers
Almost 45 percent of the searches on Google are from local users who are looking for information. They look for information like opening hours, local stores, telephone numbers, and addresses. Stores that operate as brick and mortar stores need to have their information listed online and SEO optimized in order to stay profitable. This can be done in the following ways:
You can double-check your directory listings. Search engines like Google and Bing are powerful and rely on additional information from local sources. 
Your page can be optimized to have local information in order to show up first on Google’s search page. Create your own site and SEO optimizes it keeping local searches in mind.  

8. Video Content Are Turning Out as The New Content King
Content is King. Everyone is aware of that. Along with written content, video content is also gaining popularity among internet users. According to a research, video-sharing platform, YouTube has become the second largest search engine. Besides, people, on average, are consuming one billion hours of video content on YouTube every day.
Adding video content can increase dwell time on your website. Additionally, they take up a lot of space in the search engine results pages. Even Google SERPs have given much importance to videos and nearly doubled their occurrence in their results page. 
Videos are an amazing way to boost user engagement. Hence, trying to include video content in your posts, landing pages, and sites can go a long way in better ranking your business. Given below are a few tips that you can implement in your content strategy to make your audience love your content.
Start by including short brand videos and product demos in your website and posts.
You can also create videos with the aim to educate your users about your products and services.
Webinars, interviews, or other live broadcasts can work wonders to improve user engagement.
Make sure to add appropriate metadata and transcripts for your videos. Try to use short and crisp titles along with rich descriptions regarding the content of the video. This will help Google to have a better understanding of the intent.
Go for exact keyword matching or at least a closer variant of the keyword. YouTube follows this as well. 
Add keyword tags for your videos, so that they can be put under recommended videos for your users according to their intent. 
Don’t limit yourself to adding video content to only YouTube or blog posts. You can also upload them to Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, and many other popular platforms. 
Submit a video sitemap to search engines.
Note: ‘How-to’ videos are extremely popular and their demand for YouTube is growing by seventy percent every year. 

Google is focusing on improving its local search. In pursuit of that, it is making new and better additions to its Google My Business (GMB). GMB works very well to improve the visibility of your website or business.
Some of the main ranking factors in GMB are Google posts, images, Q&As and reviews. Here are a few tips to optimize your business for GMB signals.
As you publish on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you need to do the same for Google posts as well. 

Try to make your ‘call to actions’ as engaging as possible to encourage conversations on your posts.
You can also add your own questions and answers to Google Q&As. This will tie up branded content back to your business.
Your GMB listing needs to have images as well. Periodically check and update them. Now, you can also add videos.

As new features are being constantly added to GMB, you have to log in to your profile at regular times and fill up any empty fields that you find. 
Your reputation precedes you. Use Google Reviews to build your business reputation and relevance. To do that you can request your customers to write a review about any service and product that they liked. Remember to reply to them always.

Final Thoughts
There a number of other ways to increase your ranking on Google. However, these are the easiest ways through which viewership of the site can be increased. 
As we move forward with new market demands and innovations, it is possible that video content and news forms of content may turn out to be more important than ever before. Don’t worry about written content. It will have its place and significance too. 
Whatever the new time or future brings, it is crucial to stick to the basics of SEO. The tried-and-true methods of SEO are never going to be obsolete; they might instead act as the foundation for laying out new techniques and solutions. Therefore, try not to get carried away with the latest SEO craze and neglect the industry best practices.
Having said that, don’t hold yourself back from approaching the problems with a newer angle. You never know, maybe you will be the one to set new SEO trends in the future.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Social Media Marketing Optimization & Online Brand Development

Internet marketing is not as easy as we would expect it to be, especially when it comes to effective online business branding and working within a budget. In this case, you need to pay attention to every resource and detail of how you are marketing your business on the Internet. The wrong processes waste time and money. Excellent online marketing strategies provides increased online exposure and conversions. Fast branding success is the goal.

How do you accomplish your online branding goals as efficiently as possible?

Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become a popular alternative for online business branding. Companies no longer think of social sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn) as "websites for kids". They are valuable Internet marketing and networking resources for business. On the other hand, there are 5 major issues involved with diving into SMM without the proper knowledge and strategies. These can "make" or "break" your success in social media marketing:


Make wise choices from the beginning and move forward with a "plan of action"!

Prior to getting started in social media marketing, you need to nip the urge to join every single social site on Google. It does not hurt to have a presence everywhere on the Internet, though there is no advantage in wasting time setting up a social account that is not used. The site owner may delete it - OR - it will get outdated and look unprofessional. Plus, there is no way that you can "work" them all unless you have a team to help you. You will still want to be discerning and make a plan of action. You need this to properly brand your business through social media marketing. You also need this plan of action in order to position your company correctly from the beginning. This concept holds true in Internet marketing in general.


Meet where they work and play on the Internet!

You need to learn how to set up and position your company with the best social networks and websites. Some initial positioning details to consider: (a) determining which are the "best social sites" for your niche and interests, (b) choosing the right user name for your individual profile links, (c) choosing the most attractive profile information and media to share, (d) developing a knack for filtering activity according to what is appropriate at a particular social site, (e) establishing a time schedule that permits working as many networks as possible, (f) choosing the best initial connections...and so on.

Keep in mind that Account Settings, network protocol, niche and viral marketing all go hand in hand throughout time.

Additionally, some social sites have a more playful environment than others; even those with a professional focus. You need to select websites that not only fit your company's focus, but also the personal interests of the individual(s) that will "work" the social media marketing process for you. Note: Don't let the "playful" networks defer you. One of the goals of social media marketing is to reach your target markets where they work and "play" on the Internet.


Don't just "wing it"; move prepared to market effectively for your business.

Your activity should include a predefined social media optimization (SMO) strategy. This SMO is a combination of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM). It expedites the professional results that you require for your business. It is easy to assume that SMM is simply setting up social networks and marketing. Although this is part of the process, social networking is not all that is involved in social media marketing. It is suggested that you have a website and a blog. You need to search engine optimize any personal resources prior to SMM. You need a second set of keywords that do not conflict with your personal virtual properties, though compliment your efforts.

Content is key to this offsite marketing process, therefore blogs, articles, comments, discussions, images, videos, link...everything SMM needs to correspond with the SEO.

There is a fine line to what is considered advertising and marketing; spam or valid content. Some social sites are flexible and others are not. You need to move into a virtual realm with a professional plan of action and work the network according to the infrastructure provided, though with intent to produce rapid conversions.


You will need to test, tread, track and refine before you can run with a strategy.

As with an offline business plan, your online branding strategy will need "tweaked" and updated for the following reasons: (a) the Internet is constantly changing, you will need to update accordingly; (b) search engine rankings, blog / website traffic and subscribers mean absolutely nothing if you are not able to convert this activity into sales.

You cannot move forward if your plan of action is not working for you.


As the old saying goes, "time is money."

If you get one major point from this article, prioritizing "time" and "money" is what you should remember. Internet marketing is not easy for most; especially when you are merging into unfamiliar arenas. Time and money are the double-edge sword. Handling your own online branding is only time and cost effective if it is making you money. The reality is that you will not drive conversions nor make money at first because it takes time to learn Internet Marketing. This is time that busy professionals do not have, therefore you either have to put in the extra hours or hire an expert to do the work for you. If you choose to do your own search engine optimization and social media marketing, then you need to prioritize whether the bulk of your activity is on the Learning, Researching or the Implementation (Content, SEO, SMM) at any given time. The advantage is that you can adjust this as needed.

Regardless, a proper online branding strategy will include both the technical and social, therefore they are all one in the same, time consuming, process.

Online brand development and social networking appear to be easy, on the surface, though not a simple process. There are defined strategies that should include both SEO and SMM in order to create a process called social media optimization (SMO). This SMO is actually the online marketing that you want to do for your business.

When done correctly, the SMO will produce immediate responses that are easy to track, increase sales and creates a popularity that contributes to fast branding success. You can change the sales / marketing conversions for your business within a few days or gradually divide and conquer your competitive online business arena. In other words, your business can market as aggressively or conservatively as needed. This is based on how your company is equipped to handle growth.

In this generation of social media marketing and search engine optimization, it is to your benefit to learn how to properly brand your business online or find someone that knows how to do this for you.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro Price in India

Buy For
Big display Configuration Camera quality Decent storage capacity
Beware of
Hybrid slot

The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro is a good option to buy in the mid-range budget. The configuration of the smartphone quite good to perform well. The smartphone comes with a huge storage space for storing large amount of data or files. The camera quality of the smartphone is very good for clicking good images and videos. However, it has hybrid slot, which is not preferred by many users.

Game like a pro
Display and Connectivity
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro features a 6.3-inch full HD bezel-less display with waterdrop notch and has a screen resolution of about 1,080 x 2,340 pixels. The pixel density of the screen is about 409 PPI, which gives a good viewing experience. There is a Corning Gorilla glass that protects the display from scratches and marks.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro comes with 4G connectivity option in both the SIM. All other features include Wi-Fi 802.11, Mobile Hotspot, Bluetooth v5.0, A-GPS and USB type-c.

Configuration and Battery
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro comes with an octa-core (2GHz dual-core Kryo 460 + 1.7GHz hexa-core Kryo 460) processor setup that is based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 chipset. It comes with a 4GB RAM, which helps the device for multitasking. For the graphical part, the smartphone comes with Adreno 612 GPU.

The device comes with a 4,000mAh Li-Po battery that features quick charging facility. It can be a good option for heavy users since it does not require to be charged frequently.

Storage and Camera
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro comes with a 64GB internal memory, that can be extended to 256GB with a memory card slot provided. There is enough memory storage space to store large files.
Redmi Note 7 Pro features a rear dual camera setup of 48MP and 5MP with Exmor-RS CMOS Sensor lenses along with a LED flash. It is able to click HD pictures and record videos. At the front, it features a 13MP aperture, which works well in some good quality selfies.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Samsung Mobile Price List in India

Samsung Mobile Price List in India
Known for offering power-packed and high-performance mobile phones, Samsung is one of the largest smartphones and feature phones manufacturing company. Samsung mobiles are undoubtedly an incredible choice of switching to all new and advanced technology. Packed with powerful configurations, impeccable camera, and a great processor.

There is a huge range of Samsung mobiles available in the market, to help you choose the right model, Gadgets Now presents detailed specifications such as operating system, battery, storage, along with Samsung mobile price in India and much more below. Browse through the extensive list of mobile and phones by the brand and go for the one that suits you best.

Check Samsung Mobile Phones Price List in India. Latest Samsung Smartphone with price, features & full specification at Gadgets Now
Resource Page

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Which mobile phone has the best voice call quality?

Here are some list of phones which are amazing and fit for your answer.

Nokia Lumia 930

Call Quality: 6/10
The Nokia Lumia 930 might look average on the outside, but the flagship model provides an enhanced smartphone experience highlighting the simplicity of its specs and features. It has a multi-microphone system that enables the smartphone to save you from jitters. The Nokia Lumia 930 is able to deliver a premium output whether using an earpiece or a speaker. As no smartphone is perfect (yet), the users only complain of the general clarity of the voice when on the phone.

Moto G 3

Call Quality: 7/10
Sending your hello from the other side is way effortless using a Moto G 3. The Moto G 3 has a secondary mic which gets activated for noise reduction. The sleek beauty of the Moto G 3 locks in one of the highest spots in our list of smartphones with the best call quality. The 3rd generation of Moto G promises an affordable smartphone available for less than $200 with a quality of specs that wouldn’t sacrifice efficiency.

Sony Xperia Z3

Call Quality: 8/10
Muffling lines and external noise are the two main bad things you will not see in Sony Xperia Z3. The Xperia Z3 has evolved to a bright and sturdy phone with a better call quality and camera than the Z2. Another smartphone feature you don’t have to worry about is the quality of your voice when using the speakers of the Sony Xperia Z3. Its Hi-Res audio feature will take care of the rest.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5

Call Quality: 8/10
Despite having a little to no change from the Note 4 when it comes to handling calls, the sexy beast that is theSamsung Galaxy Note 5 offers a steady conversation without muffling or unwanted noise on the background. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5’s call quality is admirable; not only it has noise-cancelling capabilities, but it also has a sound setting where one can play with the audio system. The sound settings manager also allows users to personalize music and call experience if preferred.

iPhone 5s

Call Quality: 9/10
You used to call me on my iPhone 5s, call me on my iPhone 5s, late night when you need my talk, even before iPhone 6. Drake wouldn’t like an inconsistent hotline bling from you. The iPhone 5s managed to get into our list for its voice credibility, thanks to its ear speaker and noise-cancelling microphones. Why did we pick the iPhone 5s over the newer Apple products? It’s because the iPhone 5s have less distortion level even with a maximum volume unlike in iPhones 6, 6 plus, and 6s series.

Call Quality: 9/10
If you don’t mind paying for a higher end smartphone that delivers the crispness and consistency of the line you need, the LG G4 will definitely bang-up your expectations. Aside from owning a noise-cancelling microphone, LG G4 has one of the booming speakers on the market. Now you don’t have to mind answering the phone even when you’re in a noisy environment.

HTC One M9

Call Quality: 9/10
A smartphone with a premium performance and finish like the HTC One M9 is a gift from above- it is for sure, thesmartphone with best call quality! You can clearly hear someone from the other side without all the drama. Also, the HTC One M9 has one of the loudest speakers around! And to help you eliminate the noise from your end, this phone has a specialized noise-cancellation feature. The Trusted Reviews even tested the voice quality of the HTC One M9 in a train and the recordings turned out pretty well.

How much can earn from Adsense on a Blogspot blog?

I wish I could be more helpful, but that's like asking how much money you can make with a business: well you can make nothing or you can make billions.

With a blog, it all depends on the number of people that click on the ad (Adsense pays per click) and how much that ad pays (certain ads will give you more money than others).

The price on the ad depends on the topic - Adsense normally puts ads related to your blog topic or blog topic, so if you write about ceirtain topics will have the potential to make more per ad than other people

And regarding the people that click, you need to look at the number of people on your blog, how interested they might be on the ad, and if they are very loyal readers. Very loyal readers are great for some things, but when it comes to ads, they kind of get used to them and not see them any more.

You'll have to Google how to get the most of it. I know people that make pennies (even less than $10 per month) and people that make well over $10K

Hope that helps!

P.S. I am Indian and English is not my first language, so apologies for any grammar mistakes I might have made ;)