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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2019 you Should Know

As digital trends evolve every year, marketers should always be aware of the changes in order to easily adapt with emerging technologies and stay ahead in the market. This will help them gain a competitive edge and become able to develop new ways to grow their businesses, generate leads and improve the relationship with their existing customers
Based on the digital marketing trends article that we developed last year, 2018 has been the year of rising augmented reality, video content, voice search and influencer marketing... And now that 2019 is around the corner, you may ask yourself “what will the next year have for me?”

To help you determine where the trajectory is heading over in 2019 , we’ve listed out 10 digital marketing trends that you can take advantage of to improve your marketing strategy and meet a desired outcome.

1. Voice Search
Voice search is undoubtedly rising in popularity. By 2020, 50% of all queries will be voice-based according to Comscore.

There are mainly two types of voice search: Those that are implemented by smart speakers such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple Homepod, Google Home and Microsoft’s Cortana which give searchers immediate voice answers to their questions and those that are installed in desktops, and smartphones such as Siri and Google Assistant which display written search results.

Top brands are thinking how to deliver their promises using voice-enabled devices because they are affordable and offer greater capabilities than ever before while more visitors are using voice search to interact with these brands.

Businesses should also focus their outreach efforts on using voice engine optimization. Marketers must use a more natural language SEO to create content accordingly. This requires them to think what their target audience may use in their voice queries as well as focus on long-tail keywords because searchers are likely to be more specific when asking a question. For instance, in one question, a shopper may request information about time, price, location and other details which sound heavy for written search queries.

As a result, marketers can leverage these opportunities to deliver more targeted, specific content which leads to increase their click-through rates.

2. Smarter Chat
Chatbots have been rising in the few recent years and still persists in 2019. According to Grand View Research, 45% of end users prefer to use Chatbots as a major means of communication in customer service.

Chatbots play a critical role in improving the customer experience and allow marketers to better engage with their audience - without really doing much. They offer real-time assistance to the user, dedicated support and a proactive interactions where they ask questions to understand the real problem.

For instance, a visitor landing on a website is contacted via chatbot and asked to request assistance or get more information about the product. If he selects the first option, he will be referred to a representative for help and if he chooses the second option, he will be asked a series of automated questions or redirected to their blog or FAQ page.

Another rising trend is Whatsapp Business Messaging, which has become one of the most used messaging apps worldwide according to Statista. Besides, it’s no longer restricted to personal usage; businesses are using the application on a daily basis for their daily activities.

Messaging traffic is expected to double by 2019. This is driven by over the top messaging Over-The-Top or OTT apps, going up from 31 trillion messages in 2014 to over 100 trillions by 2019 globally.

3. Micro-Moments
As more users are processing their online activities using their smartphones, marketers continue to leverage micro-moments to attract their audience’s attention and fulfill their instant decisions.

Whenever a customer searches for something, looks for a nearby store, wants to finalize a task or makes a purchase, marketers can take advantage of these types of micro-moments to create targeted content and advertising.

In order for marketers to succeed in using micro-moments, they should understand the basic practices of each one. Let’s take for instance the “I-want-to-go-moments”. Brick and mortar stores can take advantage of such a moment by capitalizing on “near me” searches, which have grown 2X between 2016 and 2017 according to Google. This requires storefronts to optimize their locations on their websites or apps. Furthermore, they can go even beyond that by creating ads for their store’s location or popular products to improve their visibility in search engines and reach their customers at the appropriate time.

4. Augmented and Virtual Reality Marketing
Augmented reality ads is one of the major applications that are now used by some marketers. It’s a way to bring static or unreal environments into a more realistic experience, something that would integrate the "offer" with the "reality" of the buyer.

Michael Kors is a successful example of augmented reality ads. They created an ad on Facebook asking their users to try and purchase their sunglasses.
Aside AR ads, many businesses have been using augmented and virtual reality marketing for the purpose of creating brand awareness.

For instance, IKEA and L’Oreal managed to improve their customer experience with virtual reality by allowing them to visualize their products before buying them. Nivea, Starbucks and Volkswagen are other examples of big brands who succeeded in augmented reality.

This trend which is not new, is one of the most highlighted trends for 2019. According to Statista, AR and VR market size worldwide are expected to reach $209.2 billion in only 4 years.

5. Live Videos - More Stories
Thanks to Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, live content is the fastest growing segment of internet video traffic due to the remarkable waves in the recent 3 years.

Live streaming content is effective because it’s free, takes a short time to produce while it offers a real-time user engagement, and viewers use your content based on your time not theirs.

Moreover, it has the ability to generate greater impressions than posts published in the newsfeed, especially if users choose to post them to their stories.

Live streaming content allows marketers to engage with their leads in a quickest way possible, improve their relationship with followers, reach a broader audience and boost their social channels traffic.

Latest Google SEO Updates & Algorithm Changes

The digital world is now more hyped-up, dynamic and influential than ever before. It is more focused and competitive as well. With the end goal for you to achieve high search engine rankings and to maintain them, you have to look after the latest Google SEO updates. This is the initial move towards staying aware of the latest SEO trends and remaining focused.

The SEO updates are directly proportional to Google’s algorithm updates that search engines receive. Since Google is the pioneer in the search marketing, new changes in Google Algorithm Update are vital to enhance optimization of your website. Website admins need to have phenomenal understanding of all the latest Google search engine algorithm updates and related procedures, as only this can let them know latest SEO updates 2017 essential to optimize websites, ensure better DA and high rankings in SERPs.

Largely, Google is centered around enhancing its web search administrations for online users, and by keeping a track of changes in Google’s Algorithm updates, marketers can increase ranking of their sites. Google has a long history of famous SEO algorithm updates that channelize ranking mechanism of SERPs.

To find latest Google SEO updates, marketers need to check latest updates of the following SEO algorithms-

10 Google SEO Updates & Algorithm Changes
1.) Google Hummingbird Update

Introduced around August 2013, Google Hummingbird Update is Google’s new search algorithm that plays a significant role in deciding ranking of websites. It is made up of 200+ factors that can affect search results and website ranking. The biggest changes made in Hummingbird were capability to have a sharp eye on mobile marketing, which is not surprising at all given the explosion of the smart phones in recent years. The name ‘Hummingbird’ comes from its ability to be “precise and fast” and it is mainly designed to better focus on meaning of a phrase or keyword rather than individual keywords. Hummingbird looks at the entire phrase to decipher the meaning of that phrase. Google Hummingbird SEO updates aid pages matching the meaning do better in search results.

SEO new updates related to Hummingbird

Application of meaning technology to billions of pages from across the web
Use of Knowledge Graph facts to ensure better search results
Easy recognition of Keyword stuffing
Effectiveness of Long-tail keywords

2.)  Google Penguin Update

Google propelled the Penguin Update in April 2012 to catch the websites that are spamming Google’s search results. This update is mainly aimed at decreasing search rankings of websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and use black-hat SEO techniques to artificially increase ranking of their websites, by obtaining or buying links through some wrong practices. The primary reason behind this update was to penalize websites that use manipulative techniques for achieving high rankings.  As per Google’s estimates, Penguin influences approximately 3.1% of search queries in English, and approximately 3% of queries in languages like German, Arabic and Chinese, and an even much bigger percentage of them in “highly spammed” language categories. Pre-Penguin sites normally utilized some negative external link building tactics to rank good in SERPs and boost their traffics. However, once Penguin was introduced it implied that content was vital and those with incredible content would be recognized and those with little or spammy content would be punished.

Some confirmed Google Penguin SEO updates are
Penguin 1 – on April 24, 2012 (impacting around 3.1% of queries)
Penguin 2 – on May 26, 2012 (impacting less than 0.1%)
Penguin 3 – on October 5, 2012 (impacting around 0.3% of queries)
Penguin 4 (a.k.a. Penguin 2.0)- on May 22, 2013 (impacting 2.3% of queries)
Penguin 5 (a.k.a. Penguin 2.1)- on October 4, 2013 (impacting around 1% of queries)
Penguin 6 (a.k.a. Penguin 3.0-) on October 17, 2014 (impacting less than 1% English queries). On December 1, 2014, Google confirmed that the update was still rolling out with webmasters continuing to report significant fluctuations during Google SEO updates 2014. 
Penguin 7 (a.k.a. Penguin 4.0)- on September 23, 2016

Why Your E-commerce Store Needs A Mobile Application

E-commerce websites have seen an immense increase in the last decade. However, they have seen even greater success with the launch of mobile apps. Building an app is not the only important thing. Introducing new features and ensuring that they are up to date with the latest technology, holds more significance.

The main reason why apps perform better than websites is personalization. And retail apps are one of the top 4 most frequently surfed apps on customers’ devices. Plus, the first half of the year 2019 has seen that 62per cent of smartphone owners use mobile apps mostly for purchases. As technology evolves, user interfaces and user experience also goes up a notch higher. Mobile apps are easier to use and form a direct link between brands and customers. As a result, more engagement enables generating better leads.

Why Mobile Apps are Critical for E-commerce Stores

Preferred Option

It indicates that when users want to shop for a product, they first perform a quick search on their phones. And only after checking prices they would approach a local store. It offers convenience and better shopping experience for them. They can compare prices of brands and even check reviews and ratings. Hence, building a mobile app would not only generate revenues. It would help the e-commerce stores get clarity of current market and consumer behaviour, resulting in forming better market strategies.

Better Engagement

Mobile apps are highly personalized and it eventually provides better engagement with the customers. Brands can track browser history, earlier products they have purchased, and provide suggestions based on it. Apps work on consumer behavior. Apart from that, apps have better navigation experience and are less clumsier than websites. They also store transaction history, delivery addresses – making purchases easier. It comes as no shock that almost 50per cent of traffic comes from mobile apps.

Customer Retention

Statistics have shown that if an app offers a bad first experience, almost 34per cent of customers would leave it for another brand. However, if a user downloads an app from a brand; that means they have more interest in that brand. The reason behind this switch is the user thinks another brand provides a better experience. There are so many apps that get downloaded but sit idle on the phones. The users who have downloaded a brand's app talks a lot about retention. They are more likely to use that app than the ones who don't download. Additionally, customers browse on apps more than the sites. Customers make larger purchases while buying through an app. This results in increased sales and repeat-purchases too.

Reduced Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment can be termed as the biggest competitor for a business. However, an average of 70per cent of customers leaves their shopping carts even before purchasing anything. Though there are people who would be just browsing products and not ready to buy. Other reasons mostly include high shipping/extra costs, account creation, slow processes, fewer payment options. All these are usually termed as a bad shopping experience. These experiences can be easily improved by creating a great mobile app design. The optimization of checkout forms can help in reducing this rate by up to 20per cent.

Strengthened Brand

Customers are a huge source of getting a brand recognized. Mobile apps can be the driving force behind spreading brand awareness amongst them. Compared to websites, customers spend almost 27per cent more time on mobile apps. To attract them, brands introduce various discounts and flash sales in their marketing strategy. Apps can strengthen this strategy by sending push-notifications for the discounts available. It can also help in increasing downloads and installs. Other in-built features like navigation control, voice assistance prove beneficial for strengthening the brand.

Apps are also integrated with various social media channels. Brands and marketers can track users' interaction, preferences, buying habits. Knowing your customers would provide important data about them, eventually leading up to offering better services that meet their demands. Continuous customer satisfaction helps in building a loyal base, staying in touch; resulting in generating higher sales.

Secured and Simple

Security is perhaps the biggest concern for customers while shopping online. Websites have long checkout procedures and sometimes the transaction also gets declined. This leaves customers vulnerable to many security threats. Mobile apps, on the other hand, have a multi-layer security plan. Third-party integration with Google Pay, Debit./Credit cards, Net Banking, and other e-wallets in the apps make the transactions much safer. Payment options once filled in, checkouts become faster without entering the details again.

The intuitive User Interface results in providing highly convenient and flexible user experience. E-commerce apps have gained the highest revenues and the reason is 54per cent increase in the user sessions. Apps are convenient than websites, as they are easily available on Android and Apple stores. Plus, they are not dependent on browser features, unlike websites. Mobile biometrics, experience and customer-centric, make shopping more interactive and fun.

Marketing Is As Important as Building an App

Mobile app development doesn't stop after it has been made available for download. Creation of accounts to make them long-term customers is the next important step. Cost-per-Action (CPA) is a marketing campaign that enables marketers to pay only for those users who want to engage further. Users tend to forget using an app after downloading. CPA ensures that the money is only going towards driving real conversions.

Ending Notes

Developing a mobile app for your e-commerce store is the starting point of an immersive and interactive relationship with your customer base. Apps are heavily based on deep analytics that helps in monitoring consumer behavior. It eventually benefits an e-commerce business in maximizing revenues by increasing sales. Hence, the end goal should always be to offer a customized and convenient shopping experience – irrespective of the device. Almost 78per cent of customers prefer browsing a mobile app over a browser. Plus, they can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and even offline. Hence, a mobile app acts as a connecting link across all channels; offering an intuitive user experience.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

5 Advanced SEO Techniques to Improve Your Search Rankings

Want to improve your search rankings? Here are the latest advanced SEO techniques that will help you get past your competitors more quickly in 2019.

The world of SEO is dynamic. The rules and SEO techniques that helped you this year might not be applicable next year. To stay on top of the SERPs, you need to constantly adapt and improvise.

 From content to keywords and backlinks, there are a lot of metrics that you need to take care of. So it’s only natural that you may feel overwhelmed with the amount of patience and effort it requires.

 But when you have the best SEO techniques at your disposal, you can easily outperform your competitors. Let’s take a look at some of the best SEO techniques that can help you improve your search rankings in 2019:

1. Write Long Blog Posts
For a long time, SEO experts have stressed the importance of the quality of content that you are posting. There is no doubt that it is one of the most essential factors to improve your search rankings. However, you cannot completely ignore content length.

2. Use the Bucket Brigade Copywriting Technique
SEO writing isn’t just about keywords. When users visit your website, there are two possible scenarios. They may continue reading your articles or leave you website right away. The latter is a big issue that can negatively impact your search rankings.

3. Keep Updating Old Content
To make the most out of your content, go through your older blog posts. Are any of the topics that you have written about still relevant?

For example, perhaps you wrote about best SEO techniques two years ago. But since then, Google announced major changes to their algorithm. Then you need to update your article.

4. Get Quality Backlinks
When a website with high Domain Authority links back to your website, your credibility increases. Quality backlinks can help you gain an edge over your competitors. For search engines, quality backlink are equivalent to reliability.

 So when you have a large number of quality backlinks, you are likely to get higher rankings in the SERPs. It’s one of the most important SEO techniques that can directly affect your website’s score.

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Organic SEO Techniques 2019 July

The Basics

Organic SEO the oretically can save you expenses related to advertising, but you have to take a call because SEO requirements can also oblige you to hire professionals. Advertising requires constant investment, while organic SEO is a one-time investment over a period of a few months. Since Google started auctioning popular keywords to top bidders, advertising is no longer profitable for small businesses.

Advantages of Organic SEO

1. Organic SEO techniques draw more traffic than advertising.
2. Organic SEO techniques reward relevant content, not advertising gimmicks.
3. Because customers are wary of advertised products, they rely more on search engine results to guide them to a relevant website. Therefore, if your website shows up among top search engine results, you win their trust.

Techniques That Work

A good SEO expert can be very useful if you are serious about how your website is ranked on Google, Yahoo, or MSN searches. However, you must always hire an ethical SEO. SEO is not magic and there are no one-size-fits-all formulas here. Each website has different SEO requirements depending on the target audience, nature of website, and budget allocation.

1. Content - Content is king. You do not have to be an SEO magician to be able to generate good content. You do need to be an expert in your business area though, while the ability to draw people in through writing is a bonus. If you are not a writer, hire experts. Content also refers to graphics, design, and various applications on your site.

2. Keywords - The first parameter is the nature of keywords and their variations. When web surfers look for information on vacuum hoses, chances are they will also look up "vacuum cleaners", "cheap vacuum cleaners", and "home appliances". Being creative helps. The next parameter is keyword density. Remember that Google penalizes pages with a keyword density of more than 5 percent.

3. Site Navigation - Good site navigation invites visitors to explore the website further; poor site navigation sends them off to other websites, probably your competitors'.

4. Other factors - The other organic SEO techniques include extensive page interlinking, robot txt files, meta tags, and URL tweaking.

Organic SEO techniques require hard work, creativity, and diligence. However, if your website is genuine and you are not afraid of being scrutinized for relevance, organic SEO might turn out to be the more rewarding option for you.

Article written by Mr. Amit Kumar, Marketing Director of Lets Walk Digital - SEO and Web Development Company in Delhi.

Friday, September 2, 2016

New Evolving Pitch for Digital Marketing Strategies in India

Digital marketing agencies in Delhi are facing a new form of challenge in developing and making their digital marketing strategies. They are forming with terms to adjustment to most latest digital marketing plans, where, role of the responsive web design on the rise day-by-day.  With respect to online digital services manifestation in terms to changing cyberspace the activities could be followed and passed  on the basis  of following categories.

The things begin with and from the planning of the project on the sheet of paper and correspondingly with plan made on paper next you are ready to go for designing activities to begin forth and proceed further. 

Using the software like as Adobe Edge Reflow that allow media queries, set breakpoints within the program and design your layout to fit desktop, tablet  and  mobile.   You can then copy the CSS into another program such as Adobe Dreamweaver or other HTML editor to further refine your design.

Navigation of the website is another important point of focus that is digital marketing companies now-a-days should focus and concentrate towards in achieving the traffic and lead generation goals of a website.   

Next important point there is to be considered is that by the digital marketing companies in Delhi it has been adopted it to be the Mobile First Strategy. So under this strategy, after, the mobile strategy next focus get towards the tablet and desktop design. 

Look and feel of the website is the next important point of focus, where, website company should focus its efforts and caliber in order to emerge as a good looking  website. There are even many software's, though, which entire layout of the website, interface first is being done before carrying out any coding. By doing the exact look and feel of a website this way  as being required the complete coding can be accomplished in this way and manner. 
This way digital marketing strategy by digital marketing companies can bring better business results as well. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Why social media is so important for businesses?

Social media agency in Delhi uses the power of new media and social marketing for generating revenue of the companies and businesses. They use social media to  generate the following business activities in the corresponding manner.  

Digital marketing in Delhi also relies largely on the social media posts in order to generate the targeted user traffic. Creating a new page on your site is just like as making a great and enthusiastic sites. Getting into the over 20,000 visitors in one weekend and links submitted to StumbleUpon can take a page consistently to handful of visitors a day and increase that number to hundreds.

SMO Agency India

Next important stage for social media or getting business for a website for  digital marketing Delhi strategy is even using social media for boosting the business. Search engine crawlers learn better know what page is driving traffic to a site and which is not.   A killer content strategy for SEO is the another important part to earn the most important part  of earning top spot at the search engine rankings.  

The another way a digital agency Delhi is getting its business is  doing it right by social media by the means of real relationship building. Twitter and Instagram marketing are such cool example of interaction creation with having a customer base with clients.  Other cool way to do it is by carrying out it by connecting with complementary, non-competing businesses, thought leaders and tastemakers in your space, as well as journalists who cover your industry.

Social media even allows targeting and retargeting, that is one of the best ways of getting highly customizable nature of social media ads. Facebook even allow a site to target users by things as location, education level, industry and even purchase history and on the page likes. You even can install a Facebook pixel on your site and use it to retarget the users who visits you.

This way businesses leads help a business to grow and get online business generation.